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Hambaanglaang - Level 2, 我 隻 狗仔 係 唔同 啲 嘅

我 隻 狗仔 係 唔同 啲 嘅

「 我 叫 小明 啊 ! 佢 係 我 隻 狗仔 , 佢 叫 旺財 。 我 隻 狗仔 同 其他 狗仔 有 啲 唔同 。 你哋 知 唔 知 點解 啊 ? 大家 睇 落去 咪 知 點解 囉 ! 」

「 吖 ! 我 唔記得 講 下 我 嘅 好 同學 , 佢 叫 小剛 。 我哋 成日 一齊 去 學校 。 我哋 好 鍾意 一齊 玩 , 我哋 一齊 打波 , 一齊 去街 , 一齊 溫書 , 佢 係 我 嘅 好 朋友 。

「 旺財 有 一 隻 貓仔 , 佢 叫 富貴 。 隻 貓仔 又 同 其他 貓仔 有啲 唔同 , 佢 個 樣 好 惡 。 我 見 到 佢 嗰陣 , 我 都 好 驚 。 」

今日 天氣 好 , 又 冇 落雨 。 小明 去 咗 公園 度 玩 , 佢 見 到 小剛 喺度 好 大聲 噉 嘈 。

「 你 睇 下 ! 佢 又 喺度 嬲 喇 ! 又 唔 知 邊個 激嬲 咗 佢 呢 ?

「 佢 係噉 喺度 叫 , 我 好 想 知 邊個 激嬲 咗 佢 , 我 行 上去 睇 下 咩 問題 先 。 」

「 吓 ! 係 佢 激嬲 咗 富貴 啊 。 」

旺財 應該 等 咗 好 耐 等 人 嚟 幫 佢 , 我 咁啱 行 過 幫 咗 佢 。

「 原來 係 旺財 激嬲 咗 富貴 , 旺財 一 見到 我 走 過嚟 , 跟住 佢 跳 咗 上嚟 我 嗰度 。 」

「 應該 係 貓仔 驚 狗仔 , 我 嘅 旺財 係 驚 貓仔 。 」

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我 隻 狗仔 係 唔同 啲 嘅 ||puppy||different||of I|a measure word for animals||||a little|is Mein Hund ist anders My puppy is different. Mi perro tiene una relación diferente. Mijn hond heeft een andere relatie. Min vovve är annorlunda 我只狗仔系唔同啲慨

「 我 叫 小明 啊 ! |called|Xiaoming| |am called|Xiaoming| "My name is Xiao Ming! 佢 係 我 隻 狗仔 , 佢 叫 旺財 。 |||||||Fortune |is||classifier for animals|puppy||| He is my puppy, and his name is Wangcai. 我 隻 狗仔 同 其他 狗仔 有 啲 唔同 。 ||||other|||| My dog is different from other dogs. 你哋 知 唔 知 點解 啊 ? ||||why| Do you know why? 大家 睇 落去 咪 知 點解 囉 ! 」 everyone||look down|just|||you see |||to me|know||you know We will know when we see it! A ver si sabemos qué pasa". 大家睇落去咪知点解啰!

「 吖 ! ah Oh! 我 唔記得 講 下 我 嘅 好 同學 , 佢 叫 小剛 。 |||||||classmate|||Little Kong |I don't remember||||||||| I forgot to mention my good classmate, his name is Xiao Gang. 我哋 成日 一齊 去 學校 。 |every day|||school We often go to school together. 我哋 好 鍾意 一齊 玩 , 我哋 一齊 打波 , 一齊 去街 , 一齊 溫書 , 佢 係 我 嘅 好 朋友 。 |||||||play ball||go out||study together|||||| We really enjoy playing together, we play ball together, go out together, and study together, he is my good friend.

「 旺財 有 一 隻 貓仔 , 佢 叫 富貴 。 Wong Choi||||kitten|||"Riches" Wong Choi has a cat, it is called Fugui. 隻 貓仔 又 同 其他 貓仔 有啲 唔同 , 佢 個 樣 好 惡 。 ||||||||||||evil The cat is different from other cats in that it is so evil. 我 見 到 佢 嗰陣 , 我 都 好 驚 。 」 ||||at that time||||scared I was so surprised when I saw her there. I was very surprised when I saw her there."

今日 天氣 好 , 又 冇 落雨 。 |weather||also||rain falling It is a beautiful day with no rain. 小明 去 咗 公園 度 玩 , 佢 見 到 小剛 喺度 好 大聲 噉 嘈 。 ||||to|||||Xiao Gang|||loudly||making noise Xiao Ming went to the park to play, and he saw Xiao Gang making a lot of noise there.

「 你 睇 下 ! you||look at Look at that! 佢 又 喺度 嬲 喇 ! |||angry| He is making a fuss again! 又 唔 知 邊個 激嬲 咗 佢 呢 ? ||||angered||| I don't know who provoked him again? Me pregunto quién de nosotros está enfadado con él.

「 佢 係噉 喺度 叫 , 我 好 想 知 邊個 激嬲 咗 佢 , 我 行 上去 睇 下 咩 問題 先 。 」 |"like that"||||||||made angry|||||go up|||what|problem| He was being provoked here, I really want to know who provoked him, I'll go up and see what the problem is first. "Quiero saber cuál de ellos está enfadado conmigo, así que subiré a ver cuál es el problema".

「 吓 ! surprise "¡Miedo! 係 佢 激嬲 咗 富貴 啊 。 」 ||made angry||wealthy| He became rich because of his anger.

旺財 應該 等 咗 好 耐 等 人 嚟 幫 佢 , 我 咁啱 行 過 幫 咗 佢 。 Wang Choi|||||long||||help|||just happened to||||| Long-lasting wealth should be waited for a long time for someone to help, I happened to be passing by and helped him.

「 原來 係 旺財 激嬲 咗 富貴 , 旺財 一 見到 我 走 過嚟 , 跟住 佢 跳 咗 上嚟 我 嗰度 。 」 turns out||Wong Choi|got angry||Fook Kwei|Wong Choi||saw|||over here|||jumped||jumped over||my place It turns out that it was his anger that brought him wealth. As soon as Long-lasting wealth saw me passing by, he jumped up to where I was.

「 應該 係 貓仔 驚 狗仔 , 我 嘅 旺財 係 驚 貓仔 。 」 |||afraid of|||possessive particle|||afraid of| "It should be the case that cats are surprised by dogs, while my Wang Cai is surprised by cats. I'm not a cat person." "A los gatos les sorprenden los perros, y a mi fortuna le sorprenden los gatos".