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Cantonese without toil, 第 廿六 堂

第 廿六 堂

你 點樣 呀 ?

好耐 冇 見 喎 。 你 呢排 點樣 呀 ?

幾 好 , 生意 都 唔錯 , 你 呢 ?

唉 , 呢排 做嘢 好 忙 。 真係 得閒 死 , 唔得閒 病假 。

練習 一 翻譯

我啲 生意 有 問題 。

呢排 好多 人 搭 地鐵 。

我 想 喺 呢 間 公司 做嘢 。

你 屋企 唔錯 喎 。

我 真係 唔 得閒 放假 㗎 。

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第 廿六 堂 |Lesson 26| |第26| Lesson Twenty-six Pabellón 26 Salle 26 홀 26 Zesentwintigste kerk Зал 26 第廿六堂

你 點樣 呀 ? You|"How are"| How have you been? 뭐 하는 거예요?

好耐 冇 見 喎 。 Long time||see|"you know" long time||| Long time no see. 你 呢排 點樣 呀 ? |"these days"|how are you|"呀" in this context can be translated to "how about". How have you been recently?

幾 好 , 生意 都 唔錯 , 你 呢 ? ||business||"Not bad"||you Pretty good, business has been going well. How about you?

唉 , 呢排 做嘢 好 忙 。 "Sigh"|recently|"working"||very busy ああ||||忙しい Ah, I've been really busy with work recently. 真係 得閒 死 , 唔得閒 病假 。 "Really"|free time|"Die"|no time|sick leave ||死ぬ|忙しくない|病気休暇 I'm so busy that I have no free time. Can't even take sick leave.

練習 一 翻譯 Practice translating.

我啲 生意 有 問題 。 My|business|have|problem 私の|ビジネス|| I have some problems with my business.

呢排 好多 人 搭 地鐵 。 these days|a lot of|people|to take|MTR 最近|||| There are a lot of people taking the subway recently.

我 想 喺 呢 間 公司 做嘢 。 |want to||||company| I want to work at this company.

你 屋企 唔錯 喎 。 |||you know Your house is nice.

我 真係 唔 得閒 放假 㗎 。 ||||take leave| I really don't have any free time to take a vacation.