Marko se vrača domov iz službe.
Marko returns home from work.
Vsak dan se pelje domov iz službe.
Every day she drives home from work.
Na avtocesti je veliko drugih avtomobilov.
On|the highway|is|many|other|cars
There are many other cars on the motorway.
Na avtocesti je preveč gneče, da bi se lahko pomikal naprej.
On|the highway|is|too much|traffic|to|would|himself|could|move|forward
The motorway is too crowded to keep moving.
Marko čuti frustracijo in je jezen.
Marko feels frustrated and angry.
Vklopi radio, da bi slišal novice.
Turn on|the radio|so that|I would|hear|the news
Turn on the radio to hear the news.
Nato posluša nekaj pesmi.
Then she listens to a few songs.
Kljub temu je Marko zdolgočasen in utrujen.
несмотря на|этому|||скучает||устал
Nevertheless, Marko is tired and tired.
Na avtocesti je vsak dan preveč prometa.
|||каждый||слишком много|трафика
On|the highway|is|every|day|too much|traffic
Auf der Autobahn herrscht jeden Tag zu viel Verkehr.
There is too much traffic on the motorway every day.
Marko razmišlja o nakupu motorja namesto avtomobila.
Marko|thinks|about|purchase|motorcycle|instead of|car
Marko is considering buying a motorbike instead of a car.
Sedaj pa ista zgodba, povedana na drugačen način.
Vračam se domov iz službe.
I return|reflexive pronoun|home|from|work
I'm coming home from work.
Vsak dan se peljem domov iz službe.
I drive home from work every day.
Na avtocesti je veliko drugih avtomobilov.
On|the highway|is|many|other|cars
Na avtocesti je preveč gneče, da bi se lahko premikal naprej.
On|the highway|is|too much|traffic|to|would|himself|could|move|forward
The motorway is too crowded to move forward.
Čutim frustracijo in sem jezen.
I feel|frustration|and|I am|angry
I feel frustrated and angry.
Vklopim radio, da bi slišal novice.
I turn on|the radio|to|would|hear|news
I turn on the radio to hear the news.
Nato poslušam nekaj pesmi.
Then|I listen|some|songs
Then I listen to a few songs.
Kljub temu sem zdolgočasen in utrujen.
несмотря на|этому||||
Despite|that|I am|bored|and|tired
Despite this, I am bored and tired.
Na avtocesti je vsak dan preveč prometa.
|автостраде|||день|слишком много|трафика
On|the highway|is|every|day|too much|traffic
There is too much traffic on the motorway every day.
Razmišljam o nakupu motorja namesto avtomobila.
I am thinking|about|purchase|motorcycle|instead of|car
I am thinking of buying a motorbike instead of a car.
Ena: Marko se z avtom vrača domov iz službe.
Je Marko v službi?
|||на работе
Ne, Marko ni v službi.
No|Mark|is not|at|work
No, Marko is not at work.
Z avtom se vrača domov iz službe.
She is returning home from work by car.
Dve: Na avtocesti je še veliko drugih avtomobilov.
Two|On|the highway|is|still|many|other|cars
Two: There are many other cars on the motorway.
So na avtocesti drugi avtomobili?
Are|on|the highway|other|cars
Are there other cars on the motorway?
Ja, na avtocesti je veliko drugih avtomobilov.
Yes|on|the highway|is|many|other|cars
Yes, there are lots of other cars on the motorway.
Tri: Marko se ne more premikati, ker je na avtocesti preveč prometa.
||||может|двигаться|потому что|есть||||трафика
Three|Mark|himself|not|can|move|because|is|on|highway|too much|traffic
Three: Marko can't move because there is too much traffic on the motorway.
Se Marko lahko premika naprej?
Can Marko move on?
Ne, Marko se ne more premikati naprej, ker je avtocesta preveč prometna.
No, Marko cannot move forward because the motorway is too busy.
Štiri: Marko čuti frustracijo in je jezen.
Ali je Marko vesel?
Ne, Marko ni vesel.
No|Mark|is not|happy
Čuti frustracijo in je jezen.
He feels|frustration|and|is|angry
Pet: Marko posluša novice na radiu v avtu.
Marko||listens|news|on|the radio|in|the car
Pet: Marko listens to the news on the car radio.
Ali Marko posluša novice?
Ja, Marko posluša novice na radiu v avtu.
Yes|Marko|listens|news|on|the radio|in|the car
Šest: Avtocesta je vsak dan preveč polna.
Six|The highway|is|every|day|too|full
6: The motorway is too crowded every day.
Ali je avtocesta vedno preveč polna?
Is the motorway always too full?
Ja, avtocesta je vsak dan preveč polna.
Yes, the motorway is too crowded every day.
Sedem: Marko razmišlja, da bi namesto avta kupil motor.
Seven|Marko|thinks|that|would|instead of|car|buy|motorcycle
Seven: Marko is thinking of buying a motorbike instead of a car.
Ali si Marko želi motorja?
Da, razmišlja, da bi namesto avta kupil motor.
Yes|he thinks|that|would|instead of|car|buy|motorcycle
Yes, he is thinking of buying a motorbike instead of a car.